City of Hollywood Awards Cummins Cederberg with essential Tidal Flood Mitigation and Shoreline Protection project

The City of Hollywood Commission recently awarded the Cummins Cederberg team to provide engineering services for the Tidal Flood Mitigation and Shoreline Protection project.

The project consists of evaluating 22 areas, covering over 10,000 linear feet of shoreline, along the areas known as North and South Lake in the City of Hollywood. Each area will have specific solutions to address seasonal flooding challenges, which may entail the design and implementation of varied shoreline protection infrastructure such as of living shorelines, rock revetment, and bulkheads, to meet the new Broward County ordinance. Cummins Cederberg will work directly with City staff and residents to gather feedback, which will be incorporated into the overall designs.


“Cummins Cederberg has supported coastal infrastructure development for several public and private clients in the South Florida area and this win is a direct result of identical project experience plus solid teaming partners,” said Jason Cummins PE, lead engineer and project manager for the project. “We pride ourselves in providing resilient and cost-effective solutions to meet our clients’ goals, and we’re excited for the opportunity to serve the City of Hollywood in advancing their coastal infrastructure and enhancing the community.”

The winning team includes Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Chen Moore & Associates, Brizaga, Keith & Associates, and NV5 Geotechnical Engineering & Consulting.

ramnecCity of Hollywood Awards Cummins Cederberg with essential Tidal Flood Mitigation and Shoreline Protection project

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