Danielle H. Irwin – 2019 Environmental Permitting Summer School Speaker

On Wednesday, July 17th Cummins Cederberg Director, Danielle Irwin will be speaking at the 2019 Environmental Permitting Summer School Conference in Marco Island, Florida.

So your proposed project is located over state owned, Sovereign Submerged Lands, or in an Aquatic Preserve.  How do you navigate the additional hurdles such as considerations over highly protected marine resources, greater limitations on project size or scope, limitations or even prohibitions on dredging, and a potential visit to the Governor and Cabinet?  Come hear from this panel of experts on strategies for project design, successful interaction with DEP staff, and the Division of State Lands.

Presentation team includes:
Kevin Hennessy, Moderator (Lewis, Longman, & Walker, P.A.)
Spencer Crowley (Akerman, LLP)
Danielle H. Irwin, M.Sc., CFM, PWS, LEED AP (Cummins Cederberg)
Timothy Rach (Florida Department of Environmental Protection)

Wednesday, July 17th 8:30 am – Room Calusa 10

ramnecDanielle H. Irwin – 2019 Environmental Permitting Summer School Speaker

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