Danielle H. Irwin – 2019 FAEP Conference Speaker

Technical and Legal Perspectives of Coastal Resiliency and Adaptation
On Friday, September 20th, Cummins Cederberg Director, Danielle Irwin will be speaking at the 2019 Florida Association of Environmental Professionals (FAEP) Conference in Tampa, Florida. Danielle will focus on the use of coastal management tools, both new and not-so-new, to increase the resiliency of coastal shorelines.  Select tools will be highlighted in case studies including a St. Johns County proposal to fund the local share of their new nourishment project through a Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU), and Broward County’s use of Adaptation Action Areas (AAAs) to prioritize capital improvement funds in areas prone to flood, storm surge and the impacts of sea level rise.

Additionally, Danielle will explore the application of coastal construction control line resets to adjust redevelopment expectations in storm affected areas, as well as the need for a more comprehensive flood protection planning with FEMA funded acquisition projects.

Presentation team includes:
Timothy J. Perry (Oertel, Fernandez, Bryant & Atkinson, PA)
Danielle H. Irwin, MSc., CFM, PWS, LEED AP (Cummins Cederberg)

Friday, September 20th, 2019 8:00 am – Gandy Meeting Room 1

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