FDEP Awards Cummins Cederberg with crucial Living Shoreline Permit Database project


Cummins Cederberg is working with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to provide a user friendly and easily accessible Living Shoreline Permit Database. The project consists of providing a comprehensive geo linked database with individual permit descriptions ranging from type of shoreline, proposed planting, location, and anything relevant to the permit or permit status.

“The popularity of implementing living shorelines into project designs is growing as contractors and municipalities are seeing the long-term benefits to providing a more resilient waterfront” stated Danielle Irwin, Director & Living Shoreline Permit Database lead. “As the popularity increases, having readily available information on them will be crucial to streamlining new living shoreline projects.”

The Living Shoreline Permit Database houses projects that have received permits over the last 11 years and currently has 118 permits statewide as the database continues to grow. When complete, the statewide map will be available for public access through the FDEP’s website.

ramnecFDEP Awards Cummins Cederberg with crucial Living Shoreline Permit Database project

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