Getting to know Cummins Cederberg: Brent Gore, GISP

At Cummins Cederberg we have some incredible employees, so we decided to make some waves and introduce you to those incredible people who make it all happen!

Brent Gore is a Senior GIS Analyst responsible for providing data management, geospatial analysis, and mapping support for various environmental and coastal development projects. Brent was born in Jacksonville, North Carolina, but grew up in Virginia. His childhood home was only a block from the ocean in Virginia Beach, so working at a firm focused on the coastal and marine environment turned out to be the perfect fit for him!

CC: Why were you interested in studying GIS?
BG: I was actually an art major my first year of college until I learned about GIS and Cartography. Making maps and using geographic information to solve problems and make decisions seemed really cool. It was probably my artistic and creative background, love for travelling, and OCD tendencies that made GIS and Cartography feel like something I could be good at and enjoy. Once I started taking GIS classes, I knew this is what I wanted to study and switched my major to Geography and focused on coastal and marine applications of GIS. No regrets yet.

CC: What is a normal day for you?
BG: A normal day for me can consist of gathering and managing various types of data, performing data analysis, providing navigation data for field ops and processing data collected in the field, discussing GIS needs with project managers, marine scientists, coastal/marine engineers, and creating maps for various projects, reports, and marketing tasks.

CC: What has been your favorite project so far?
BG: I don’t have a clear favorite so far. I really like the environmental projects involving coastal and marine resource assessments and relocation. Working on the various types of coastal development and resiliency projects is something I have been enjoying.

CC: How would you explain your job to a child?
BG: I make maps and use the power of location to solve problems.

CC: If you could switch jobs with anyone here, who and why?
BG: I would switch jobs with any of the marine scientists so I could dive occasionally and see some of the cool marine environments I map all the time.

CC: What is something most people don’t know about you?
BG: I have been fortunate to have travelled to 20 U.S. states and 17 different countries.

Brent works in the Cummins Cederberg Jupiter office location. Him and his wife Jeanette have a beautiful daughter named Cadence, and two rescue dogs, Sienna and Hopper. They enjoy spending time by the pool, going to the beach, trips to Bush Gardens, and visiting family and friends in North Carolina and Virginia.

ramnecGetting to know Cummins Cederberg: Brent Gore, GISP

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