New faces on board at Cummins Cederberg

As we continue to grow, we would like to welcome our three newest team members to the Cummins Cederberg family.

Jessica Ward, M.Sc., is a Senior Project Manager and Marine Scientist with over 20 years of experience responsible for marine resource surveys, environmental permitting, and overall project management. Jessica is highly familiar with the diverse ecosystems of South Florida, and specializes in the planning, coordinating and supervising of habitat monitoring programs, impact assessments and mitigation planning for wetland, forested, coastal and marine environments.  Her experience includes preparation of both ERP and JCP permit applications for various projects, and supporting environmental documentation including Biological Assessments in support of ESA Section 7 consultation, Essential Fish Habitat Assessments under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and NEPA documentation.  She has worked in both the public and private sectors for multiple industries and brings a wide range of experience, including species surveys, habitat mapping, and permitting.

Rasheed Muslimani, P.E., is a Construction Manager responsible for site inspections, field reports, contract management, material and shop drawing review on the design of coastal structures. Rasheed brings over 12 years of experience and 60+ completed construction projects throughout the southeast. His expertise is project planning, logistics, and construction management in the coastal, marine, commercial, and residential environments. He will assist with marine structure projects including bulkheads, seawalls, docks, piles, and piers.

Jacob Rice, E.I., is a Project Engineer responsible for coastal engineering analyses, numerical modeling, and the design of coastal structures. Jacob has 3 years of experience as a Coastal Engineer and has performed the design and permitting of beach renourishment projects and structural design of steel sheet piles and seawalls. His expertise ranges from project inception to construction including feasibility studies, field investigations, comprehensive coastal engineering analyses, numerical modeling, and structural design.

ramnecNew faces on board at Cummins Cederberg