Dinner Key Marina Repairs


Miami, Florida


Marine engineering for $22M design-build to restore Florida’s largest wet slip marina following significant hurricane damage


  • Marine engineering
  • Construction drawing development
  • Environmental permitting
  • Specialty inspections
  • Construction support

More about the Dinner Key Marina Repairs project

Dinner Key Marina is Florida’s largest marina with 582 wet slips. Following Hurricane Irma, the marina suffered significant damage, impacting 60% of the dockage. Vessels were torn from their moorings and crashed into other vessels and the docks damaging all 9 piers.

Cummins Cederberg was selected as the lead marine engineer for this $22M design-build contract to restore the marina to operating condition with repair or replacement of fixed concrete and timber dock structures, a fire protection system, electrical service and lighting, sewage pump out, domestic water, and a communication /security system. Responsibilities include engineering and construction drawing development, municipal permitting, and construction services including specialty inspections, product documentation management, and active construction support.

A unique feature not in the original approach and value added by the design-build team in collaboration with the City was a crucial decision to raise the finger piers. This year’s king tides showed record high water levels. The recently renovated piers experience no flooding, while the docks remaining to be renovated were under water.

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