El Portillo Lagoon Design


El Portillo, Dominican Republic


Analysis, planning and design of an active lagoon through the proposed development


  • Current Measurements
  • Flushing analysis
  • Water circulation analysis
  • Wetland creation
  • Permitting consulting
  • Construction administration

More about the El Portillo Lagoon project

The Principals of Cummins Cederberg served as project manager and senior engineer for Promotores de Desarrollo Portillo, S.A. in the analysis, planning and design of an active lagoon through a proposed development.

A feasibility analysis was conducted and initiated with the collection of field data such as flow measurements, water depths and soil samples in the existing stream. Numerical modeling of hydraulic flow within the proposed lagoon based on the obtained data was performed in order to optimize layout and depth. In addition, as part of the design process, close communication was maintained between architects, land planners and environmental experts. Careful consideration of the existing habitat was given in the footprint of the lagoon and other proposed structures. The idea was to build from the existing habitat and create a sustainable ecosystem for various native flora and fauna.

In order to maintain a consistent water level through the seasonal variability of rainfall experienced at the site, a V-notch weir structure was implemented along the downstream channel of the lagoon prior to exit in the ocean. This control structure would not only provide consistent water depths but would allow for periodic measurements of flow rates to analyze seasonal and annual flow variations to improve future maintenance and operation.

Following the iterative numerical modeling and design process, construction drawings for the lagoon were prepared and included geometry, materials, control structures, construction sequence, and methods of re-routing flow during construction.

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