One Miami Bulkhead Inspection


Miami, Florida


Above and below water inspection of 960 feet of bulkhead along the shoreline to determine condition


  • Regulatory permitting consulting
  • Conditions assessment
  • Service life inspections
  • Repair recommendations
  • Budget planning
  • Adaptability

More about the One Miami Bulkhead Inspection project

Cummins Cederberg regularly performs an above and below water inspection of 960 feet of bulkhead along the shoreline adjacent to the One Miami Condominium located at the mouth of the Miami River.

The One Miami Building is in of Miami’s most attractive locations along the revitalized downtown waterfront. The bulkhead is part of the Riverwalk extending from the north side of the Miami River along the western side of Biscayne Bay.

Water depths drop rapidly to more than 15 feet due to the continuous traffic of large container vessels and yachts for industrial areas and marinas along the Miami River. The large vessels provide increased risk of scour due to localized propeller-induced current speeds. The rapid increase in water depth and high potential for scour makes toe- stability of the bulkhead a prime concern.

The bulkhead consists of steel sheet piles, reinforced concrete cap, and an articulating concrete scour mat. The inspection was conducted to determine the present condition of the structure and provide an estimate of remaining service life as well as recommendations for rehabilitation.

The condition assessment included a visual inspection of the entire structure, as well as thickness measurements of the primary steel sheets in various locations utilizing an ultrasonic thickness gauge. In addition, elevations and horizontal location of the concrete cap were recorded for future reference relative to potential displacement or settlement of the structure.

Cummins Cederberg prepared an engineering report to document the investigation, including specific deficiencies, conditions rating and a cost estimate for recommended repairs.

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