Sunset Harbour Yacht Club Repairs


Miami Beach, Florida


Repairs to concrete dock for 125-slip luxury marina


  • Engineering design
  • Regulatory permitting
  • Post hurricane assessment
  • Above and below water inspections
  • Construction administration

More about the Sunset Harbour Yacht Club Repair project

The Sunset Harbour Yacht Club is a 125-slip luxury marina located in Miami Beach. The marina caters to vessels ranging from 45 to 150 feet in length, and consists of concrete slabs, piles, and caps, all which had experienced significant deterioration.

Cummins Cederberg conducted an above and below water structural inspection of the existing dock components to ensure the dock could withstand the load associated with the larger yachts. The in depth inspection noted the magnitude and location of the various defects observed.

The team noted an existing wave attenuation designed incorrectly was further accelerating the deterioration, incoming waves would reflect resulting in increased salt sprays to the dock areas. Cummins Cederberg engineers are trained to not only identify the deterioration, but also pinpoint the cause of it.

Based on the inspection findings, Cummins Cederberg designed the recommended repairs and processed the proposed marine works through environmental regulatory agencies (DERM, FDEP, and USACE).

In addition, Cummins Cederberg assisted with the bid solicitation process, marine contractor selection, and construction administration. A Cummins Cederberg senior marine engineer stayed in close contact with the contractor crew to ensure repairs were conducted correctly, including the removal and cleaning of deteriorated material. Construction was performed on time and within 10% of the original construction estimate.

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