Turks & Caicos Sporting Club


Turks & Caicos Sporting Club at Ambergris Cay


5,700 feet runway suitable for private jets and marine engineering services for a 100+ slip megayacht marina and beach design


  • Sediment transport analysis
  • EIA preparation
  • Hurricane modeling
  • Bathymetric surveying
  • Marina design
  • Wave modeling
  • Flood mapping
  • Coastal resiliency

More about the Turks & Caicos Sporting Club Project

The Turks and Caicos Sporting Club at Ambergris Cay is an 1,100-acre private island located in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The development includes exclusive private residences along with a 5,700 feet runway suitable for private jets, club amenities, and a deepwater marina. Construction of the initial phases began in 2004, and initial amenities opened in 2007. Responsibilities of the principals of Cummins Cederberg included the management and execution of all marine engineering services for the design of the 100+ slip megayacht marina.

Additional responsibilities consisted of managing and executing coastal engineering studies, including bathymetric surveying, wind/wave statistical analyses, wave/hurricane/hydrodynamic numerical modeling and sediment transport analyses, as well as management of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Upon full build out, the island population will be comparable to a small city with many coastal and marine components, thus it was important to highlight the attractive and usable features. The marina was designed as a semi-enclosed basin, similar to a secluded bay or ship haven at an isolated Caribbean Island, providing a sense of adventure and protection. The basin was further surrounded by a Mediterranean style village, to frame the space and emphasize the waterfront experience for the residents and visitors.

Ambergris Cay was characterized with coastal components acting as the focal points of the development. A coastal attraction, due to its relatively exposed location, is subject to hurricane conditions including high wind speeds, increased water levels and locally wind generated waves, all of which were considered in the design.

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