Winston Towers Seawall Rehabilitation


Sunny Isles Beach, Florida


Replacement and repairs of 1,040 feet of existing seawall for a waterfront condominium near Miami


  • Seawall Design
  • Conditions Assessment
  • Repair Recommendations
  • Above and Below Water Inspection
  • Environmental Permitting
  • Construction Administration

More about the Winston Towers Seawall Rehabilitation Project

Cummins Cederberg was engaged to assess and rehabilitate an existing seawall for a waterfront condominium along the Intracoastal Waterway. A portion of the seawall was stabilizing the entrance road but had severely deteriorated, which could affect access to the property.

Cummins Cederberg conducted an in-water inspection of the seawall to determine the level of deterioration along with short- and long-term rehabilitation strategies.

As construction cost was a concern, the most severe and important areas were determined for full replacement while interim repairs were conducted in other areas to prolong service life. A combined repair and replacement project was designed and permitted. Cummins Cederberg processed and obtained all the required environmental permits from Miami-Dade County DERM, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and US Army Corps of Engineers. This included extensive discussions with the agencies relative to submerged land ownership due to complex historical land ownership issues.

As part of construction administration services, Cummins Cederberg interviewed and obtained bids from qualified marine contractors and provided recommendations for the Condominium Association.

Cummins Cederberg served as special inspector and monitored construction with field reports for documentation and for the Condominium Association to follow progress. The project was completed on time and budget. The total construction cost was within 5% of the construction cost estimated by Cummins Cederberg as part of the initial inspection.

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